Nifty Engine

Nifty Engine is a 3D game engine that I am currently developing in C++ using OpenGL and other libraries.

It's my first time working with OpenGL, or any 3D graphics library, so it is quite challenging, but I'm always up for a challenge, especially one as fun as this.
I'm going to be using this page to continually update my progress on the engine. I will include screenshots and possibly videos, as well as analysis of what is going on.
This is meant to be a low-level game engine, so I won't be adding scripting functionality on top of C++. This is a slow process since I'm still learning a lot about
OpenGL and C++, but it should be interesting.

OpenGL Logo

So far, I have the engine setup to start creating new projects and I can display models and a skybox, as well as lighting that affects the models using

Here are some screenshots:

Skybox in Nifty EngineTest Scene in Nifty Engine

Next, I plan to work on adding a few layers of physics, including forces (such as gravity) and collision. I already have gravity partially implemented,
but adding collision is much more difficult.